Simple Usage
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| <StackPanel Margin="10" ChildrenTransitions="{StaticResource SettingsCardsAnimations}" Spacing="10"> <Button x:Name="btnFixed" Click="btnFixed_Click" Content="Change Window Frame Color to Red" /> <Button x:Name="btnRainbow" Click="btnRainbow_Click" Content="Start Rainbow" /> <NumberBox x:Name="nbEffectSpeed" Header="Effect Speed" Minimum="1" SpinButtonPlacementMode="Inline" ValueChanged="nbEffectSpeed_ValueChanged" Value="4" /> <MenuFlyoutSeparator Margin="0,10" /> <Button x:Name="btnReset" Click="btnReset_Click" Content="Reset Frame to Default" /> </StackPanel>
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| private RainbowFrame rainbowFrame; public RainbowFramePage() { this.InitializeComponent(); rainbowFrame = new RainbowFrame(); rainbowFrame.Initialize(window);
private void btnFixed_Click(object sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { rainbowFrame?.StopRainbowFrame(); rainbowFrame.ChangeFrameColor(Colors.Red); }
private void btnReset_Click(object sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { rainbowFrame?.ResetFrameColorToDefault(); }
private void btnRainbow_Click(object sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { rainbowFrame?.StopRainbowFrame(); rainbowFrame?.StartRainbowFrame(); }
private void nbEffectSpeed_ValueChanged(NumberBox sender, NumberBoxValueChangedEventArgs args) { rainbowFrame?.UpdateEffectSpeed((int)args.NewValue); }
MVVM Usage
first register a IRainbowFrame
| services.AddSingleton<IRainbowFrame, RainbowFrame>();
then in your viewModel
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| public IRainbowFrame RainbowFrame; public MainViewModel(IRainbowFrame rainbowFrame) { RainbowFrame.Initialize(App.currentWindow); }

you can run demo and see this feature.